Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Structure and purpose of this work

Let me begin by saying to any who happen across this blog by happenstance, that the words that I write are neither meant for public entertainment, nor are they written with any prospective audience in mind. Rather, I intend to use this blog as a form of personal therapy, expressing random thoughts and ideas solely for the ease of my own spirit.

I am a lonely sort, who doesn't express himself much and I have a difficult time connecting to the general populace. That is not too rare these days, sadly enough. As to why I write in a blog rather that privately on Notepad or some other program, the thought that my words might be seen by another and understood to some degree, provides me with a small measure of satisfaction.

I do not mean to be contradict my original statement that I am not writing this for the general public, I am merely providing  conscious mind the illusion of the connection that I lack by creating the possibility of exposure. This is hardly an original reason, as I suspect there are many bloggers out there who do what they do in order to create that very same feeling that 'someone' out there may look upon their words and ideas and find value in them. It is a very human desire, and not one in which I find any reason for shame.

In this blog anything might be found, from a small personal poem, to a long discourse on the relationship between the structure of native languages and how they may have effect on
 a person's thought process. Of course, this may all turn out to be a haphazard mess, as I do not know what I will write from one day to the next.

Whatever I do, it will help to organize my scattered mind somewhat, and be overall beneficial for the state of my sanity, and overall life. Anyway, now that I have expressed to my satisfaction the purpose of this whole thing, I suppose I should end this here.

To those who have actually managed to read this far, and maybe want to look into this work some more, thank-you for your quiet support. The possibility of that connection gives me a small hope, that one day I might feel a little less 'disconnected' from other human beings, and that alone is more than enough for me.

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